
Using the Line note

This video shows how to use the Line note.

Paste PDF into existing email

pdfFactory has a “Send via email” button which will add a PDF to a new email. When you are using an email client such as Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird or Notes,…

Using thumbnail mode

This video shows how to get the most out of the thumnail mode.

Customize display options

All of our products can be customized. Check out this video to find out how.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl p  Print Ctrl s  save Ctrl e  send using email Ctrl +  zoom in Ctrl –  zoom out Ctrl 0  (zero)  zoom to fit page Ctrl Alt Shift 0…

Using the polygon note

This video explains how to use use the polygon note in your documents.

Apply initial settings

You can create an installation process that includes the registration code or other settings by using an ini file. Enter the registration code on a single copy of FinePrint.  Closing…

Quick Bypass

If you want to print directly to your printer without previewing in FinePrint, hold the shift key while clicking the Print button when printing from your applications. This will send…

Handling shipping return labels

FinePrint is great for reducing the amount of paper and ink for shipping return labels.