Changing client language

Server Edition chooses the client language setting based on the language version of Windows installed on the client. If a different language is required, use this registry setting.

HKCU\Software\FinePrint Software\FinePrint10 or HKCU\Software\FinePrint Software\pdfFactory7

For example, to set the language to English, create a REG_DWORD key called Language and set it to 0x0409

Here are the currently supported languages:
0x0404 Chinese (Traditional)
0x0405 Czech
0x0406 Danish
0x0407 German
0x0409 English
0x040a Spanish
0x040c French
0x0410 Italian
oxo412 Korean
0x0413 Dutch
0x0415 Polish
0x0416 Portuguese
0x0419 Russian
0x041b Slovak
0x041d Swedish
0x0804 Chinese (Simplified)